New Zealand for Summer/Survey/Shout Outs

From Christine Baker

Hi Team,

Temperatures will be cold again tomorrow morning. All 8am products are pre-emptively cancelled. The forecast calls for warming to happen earlier, so the lift team is planning to be ready to open lifts on time, if temperatures allow. 

Interested in instructing in New Zealand?
Here is a link for working at Cardrona. Campbell Mason is an instructor at the YC and an alpine examiner for NRM who works at Cardrona in the N. American summers and would love to see some of our team join. For anyone interested in instructing as a career, instructing in the southern hemisphere winter can be a great opportunity! One catch - applications close in a week. This is a good opportunity for instructors with L2 or L3 certification.

Team Member Engagement Survey
We really want to hear from all of you on our Team Member Engagement Survey. When we hear what we are doing well and what we can do better, it really helps us keep growing in a way that best suits your needs. Please take the time to fill this out - we'd like to see 100% participation. New this year, there are prizes!
Survey link
At the end of the survey, you will receive a thank you message.  In this thank you message there is a voluntary link to register to win 1 of 100 total prizes that we will be randomly drawing in thanks for your feedback.  These are separate links and in no way will your name be associated with your survey. 

Shout Outs (and 8am Ram8 access for you and a friend):

1. Carson Derda-Nordic Instructor-Amazing “Michelin” style guest service on the phone and in person. Alpine skiing background and learned skating this year and able to teach any nordic lesson.  
2. Liam Hooks: Liam has always been an awesome, reliable instructor. On a busy Sunday, he had a group of 10+ yellow dino's lined up doing boot work by 9:45. For those of you who don't spend much time with 4 year old's, that is quite the feat. Thank you, Liam! 
3. Max Minichiello deserves a shout out for being so enthusiastic with his red and yellow dinos. Those are his favorite levels and those students are the future of this sport so we truly appreciate how excited he gets when he meets his students.  
4. Sean Szatkowski: Sean excels at providing an individualized experience - he doesn't even need to make a sound. Sean has returned at a time where his skills set him apart.
5. Britt Finch: always gives a great lesson. She always seems to make amazing progress with her kids, and they always look like they're having a great time on the hill! 
6. Mason Reed: Mason Reed deserves a shout out for having such a positive attitude, always willing to teach any level or any age, ski or snowboard, and is always jumping in to help with set up or tear down when he notices we need a hand.  He always has a smile on his face and is a great team player.

Thank you all for your exceptional contributions. Your 8am run can be any day between 2/25 and 3/3. Please email Christy Mikulich ( and your manager:

  • The date (between 2/25 and 3/3) that you’d like the early access loaded.

  • The name of your plus one

  • Please email at least 24hrs in advance

If anyone wants to nominate someone for a shout out, please send me an email with their name and the great things they are doing, we’d love to hear the great things you are seeing!

Here is the Survey link once again.

Have a nice night,

Christine Baker (she/her)
VP Mountain Sports | Big Sky Resort


Team Member Engagement Survey - Last Chance


Cold Day Update