
 Ski and snowboard instructors don’t work a “normal” Monday-Friday 9-5 job, and need tools to manage their clients, schedule, and work/life balance. ProCard contains a series of tools to control your schedule, help us scale our growth, streamline communication, and create an exceptional guest experience.    

ProCard also gives you links to important resort information like the daily grooming report, and lift and run status. Let us know what other links you want on ProCard! We are working to streamline instructor tools and communication, so there are fewer pieces to manage. 

You can log onto ProCard here.

 Your Schedule 

The Schedule function in ProCard is where you will likely spend most of your time – it gives you control – and responsibility for – managing your schedule and private clientele.  Specifically: 

  • You can use the ProBooking function to book existing clients on future dates without having to call the office 

  • You can see the dates and times you are expected to work and train, and what you are expected to be doing 

  • You will load your season schedule at the start of the season, if you are a returning instructor

  • You confirm that your pay for a day is accurate 

  • You edit and confirm the accuracy of your Class List 

  • You can request changes in your schedule and activities through Request a Schedule Change 


ProBooking is a win-win-win. Better guest experience. Better instructor schedule control. Cuts administrative cost and hassle. Guests who want to ski with you in a private lesson talk directly with you about your availability and then you book the lesson. All done. When your schedule and the guest’s schedule don’t match up, we use our office resources to book the lesson.  

 Class Lists 

Class lists serve three purposes – all are important.   

First is safety, especially for children. By creating a class list at the start of a lesson, supervisors know who a child is skiing with. When a parent comes and asks to pick them up early, we know which instructor to call. If the class lists are not accurate, we are likely calling multiple instructors to find one student. This is not effective but also makes it look like we lack a high standard for children’s safety. ProCard also has allergy and other pertinent medical information as well as parent contact information for children. 

Second is your pay. The class list will make sure you get paid correctly. And, there’s tips!  Parents often come into the office and want to tip their kid’s instructor—that’s you!! But if the child isn’t attached to you, we don’t know who to give the money to 🙁 

Third, checkout documents update information on your guests. For example, your supervisor can create cohesive groups going forward, or help the next instructor have a good experience.   

NEW 2022-2023 Season You are able to ProBook from your Class List!

 Checkout and Pay Confirmation 

Pay confirmation is your way to make sure your class list is accurate. Accurate class lists lead to accurate pay. It’s that simple.  

Schedule Change Requests  

Schedule Change Requests enables you to request a schedule change directly from their ProCard schedule. Your supervisor will get the request from ProCard. There is no need for you (or your supervisor) to look at your schedule in one location and then switch to a different platform to email/text to make a schedule change.   


ProTraining will ultimately allow instructors to sign up for whichever trainings they feel will be of most value. We can create parameters (like making a training only available to instructors who have a L2+ certification, or who don’t yet have a FS1), and give autonomy for sign up to instructors. Trainers are able to modify max teach level to give instructors and supervisors a real time update.  

Confirm to Request 

The goal of confirm to request is to give an exceptional experience to all of our guests. By connecting with your guests ahead of time not only are you verifying that the details of their booking are correct (date, time, ski or snowboard, MV or MB) you are helping them avoid crowds and have a smooth start to their vacation at Big Sky. Receiving request pay and hours is our way of thanking you for your hard work in assisting the guest.     


ProPay is designed to increase the amount of time supervisors can be on snow interacting with instructors and guests. It will streamline scheduling and pay. Currently supervisors schedule instructors in RTP, check class lists in ProCard and then pay instructors in RTP. With this module, pay will “push” from ProCard to RTP, with fewer clicks, and increased accuracy.   

 For more on ProCard, check out ProCard Help.