Instructor Status & Payroll

 Instructor Status

Full time instructors are expected to: 

  • Be available for work five days a week, unless prior arrangements have been made with the appropriate supervisor.  

  • Work more days per week during peak times. 

  • Participate in in-house clinics and training sessions. 

  • Work a minimum of 80 days or 393+ hours

Part-time instructors are expected to: 

  • Be available to teach according to prior agreed upon schedule. 

  • Work extra days when available during peak times. 

  • Participate in in-house clinics and training sessions. 

  • Work a minimum of 25 days or 125+ hours


All instructors are expected to: 

  • Work blackout dates.  


 Instructor Priority System

The instructor priority system will act as a guideline to help us find the instructor that will be the best fit for the guest and lesson type.





Employment status:

Holiday Help (25 days or <125 hours)


Part-Time 1 (25-40 days or 125-200 Hours)


Part-Time 2 (41-80 Days or 201-391 Hours)


Full-Time (81+ Days or 392+ Hours)



Level 1


Score your primary discipline

Level 2


Level 3











Years worked at BSR:

Multiply x 2


Total request hours:

Worked last year



Wages & Bonuses

Base Rates for New Hires

No certification:  $19.50 

Level I $21.00 

Level II $23.50 

Level III $26.50


Raises for Certifications: 

Level I $1.50 

Level II $2.50 

Level III $3.00 

NRM Staff $2.00 

CS2 and FS2 $0.50

FS3  $1.00

Rescue Fundamentals + Avy 1 $0.50

Avy 2 $0.50

National Team Member $5.00

Instructors are paid the following wages and bonuses: 


$9/hour bonus in addition to regular wages when leading a training session or clinic and after confirming participation, adding instructors, and adjusting levels in ProCard. 

Request Privates: 

$9/hour bonus in addition to regular wages when a guest requests you, specifically, for their private lesson.

 Confirm to Request:

$9/hour bonus in addition to regular wages after verifying lesson date, meeting location, valid waiver, and valid lift access for a private lesson that you were assigned to. (Confirming these details at least 24 hours before the lesson gives you Request Private pay for an Assigned Private lesson.)

“Extra Day” Bonus: 

Instructors working more than 5 days in one pay period receive $5/hour x average of hours x number of extra days worked. 

 Roving Instructor: 

$6/hour less than base wage for work as assigned. This could be roving beginner terrain, helping out where needed, or other tasks assigned by a supervisor.

 Official Clinics: 

New Hire | Non-certified - L2 (primary discipline):

Receive 40 hours of paid training per season. Required training is paid at $15.00. The remaining hours are paid at $12.50

Returning Instructor | Non-certified - L2 (primary discipline):

Receive 25 hours of paid training per season. Required training is paid at $15.00. The remaining hours are paid at $12.50

New Hire | L3 (Primary discipline):

Receive 40 hours of paid training per season. Training is paid at $19.00

Returning Instructor | L3 (Primary discipline):

Receive 25 hours of paid training per season. Training is paid at $19.00

 Line-up pay: 

Instructors asked to show up for line-up not assigned any other work receive $7.50. 

 Holiday Pay: 

Instructors teaching during a Big Sky Resort recognized holiday receive time and a half for hours worked. During the winter season Big Sky Resort recognizes: Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. Holiday Pay is paid automatically by HR and will not show up in ProCard. 

Private Cancellation Pay:

If an Instructor gets cancelled day of for a private lesson... 

  • Did the instructor do the right thing and contact the guest ahead of time?  If not, and they want to work- they would get paid as normal for that activity. 

  • If they did contact the guest ahead of time and the cancellation still occurred... 

    • They need to go to their supervisor to see if they are needed  

    • IF THEY TEACH - pay them for the duration of their cancelled lesson with the BS: No Show Private (Hourly) or MB: No Show Private (Hourly) -- Be sure to toggle from Assignment to Request! 

  • If they do not teach, but we have work for them (shoveling, working the carpets) they get paid at their hourly wage. Use the BS: No Show Private (Hourly) or MB: No Show Private (Hourly) - be sure to keep it at Assignment 

  • If they do not want to work - we do not pay them 

 Payroll Compensation 

Each Wednesday, payroll information is handed over to the Payroll Department. Paychecks become available the following Friday at 3:00 pm.  For example, your paycheck for the pay period of Thursday, December 22rd- Wednesday, December 28th will be available on Friday, January 6th. More information can be found near the timeclock in the Snowcrest basement or at and additional questions can be answered by your supervisor. 

 Accidents/Workers’ Compensation 

Accidents that result in injury while at work or that may result in lost work time should be reported to ensure accurate record keeping. It is important that staff report all accidents as soon as possible after the incident occurs, regardless of how minor the injury may appear. Job hazards can be viewed here. 

 Therefore, we have developed the following as a guide for all to follow: 

  1. An Initial Injury Report should be submitted through under “HR & Payroll” > “Accident Reporting.” This report is super quick. It should be submitted by either the employee or the manager on the date of injury.   

  2. HR will then follow up accordingly. 

  3. Managers will be sent the Manager Investigation through JobRouter. The form has been updated so it’s now initiated by HR and sent to managers as a JobRouter task. Once completed by the manager, the division head receives a copy to approve.   

  4. If the initial report or Manager Investigation indicates that medical treatment is expected, HR will follow up with the injured employee to file a claim with Montana State Fund. This is a separate process that has to be completed by an HR representative AND the injured employee. An employee signature is required. Once completed, the employee will receive a claim number which they can give to their medical provider. 

  5. All other accidents (guest/visitor or traffic related) should be referred to the Safety Department. 

  6. Accident reports are recommended for all incidents and will be completed by the Safety Department. 

When presenting the prescription or the doctor bill, indicate the injury occurred while working for Big Sky Resort and the prescription and the doctor bill are for a Workers’ Compensation Claim. 

Failure to properly report an accident may result in denial of benefits and disciplinary procedure. 

As a Big Sky Resort Employee, if you go skiing or snowboarding beyond the scope of your employment, and are injured while skiing or snowboarding, your claim may not be covered by Workers’ Compensation. If you choose to ride or ski during your break period, lunch, or at a time you have been relieved of your job-related duties, you are operating outside of your prescribed duties, even though you may be on the clock at the time you are injured. If you are free skiing or snowboarding as defined above when you are injured your claim may be denied. The determination of whether you are free skiing beyond the scope of your employment will be made by the insurance carrier based upon Montana Workers’ Compensation and Occupational Disease Statues and case law.  


Big Sky Mountain Sports will reimburse instructors who pass their Level 2 and Level 3 Exams in their hired discipline. The instructor will be reimbursed within a month of their passing exam date after first communicating with the Training Manager regarding their results and subsequent reimbursement. Big Sky Mountain Sports will reimburse Supervisors and Managers for Exam Preps and Exams as long as they are guided appropriately for success.