Night Skiing SOP

  • Office Access

    One of the outside patio doors will be left unlocked each night for you to access the office. Please be at the office 15 minutes prior to the start of your lesson to meet you guests. Lessons will be offered from 6-8 pm during the winter months and 7-9 pm in the spring. (Start times in ProCard should reflect the correct start time). The last guide to leave each night will make sure that lights are in their proper spots, batteries are changing, the office is locked, and the light have been turned off.

  • Headlamps

    Headlamps will be hanging on the wall in the supervisor office. Batteries will be charged and ready. Remotes will also be available if you would like to use one with your light. Duct tape and Velcro will be available for in the office to affix headlamps to guests' helmets. It is always a good Idea to have an extra battery or two in your coat in case one dies while you are skiing.

  • Lift Riding

    Groups will be limited to 7 guests per every one guide. This will allow for groups of 8 including the guide. Guides are expected to keep their group together when riding Ramcharger. This will create the safest situation for riding the lift and allow the Mountain Services team to better manage the foot traffic to the Enchanted Forest and Everett’s.

  • On Mountain

    Patrol: (406)-995-5881 (Andesite).

    Dispatch will not be answering the main patrol number during night ops.

    You will not need to carry a radio for last tracks. There should not be any need to contact grooming or dispatch, but please yield to all equipment if you do encounter them out on the hill. THE TOP OF PACIFIER IS OFF LIMITS DURING NIGHT SKIING, mountain ops will be using the top of pacifier for cat and snowmobile traffic. The bottom of pacifier will still be open for traffic exiting Africa. You may ski any run on the frontside of Andesite between Silver Knife and Africa. If you have any question on what terrain is usable for night skiing please reach out to your manager. Headlamps must always be kept on while skiing or riding. Headlamps can be switched off in the lift line prior to riding the lift and when stopped for scenic viewing opportunities. JUMPING DURING NIGHT SKIING IS NOT PERMITTED.

  • Grooming Rotation







