Guide Program Overview

The Guide Program

The Big Sky Resort Snowsports Guide Program is a program that consists of Mountain Sports Instructors who are trained and approved to lead paying guests in Tram access, Special Access, and Hiking Terrain at Big Sky Resort. There are three categories of Guide personnel, each with different approval to lead paying guests in specific terrain.  

Guide 1’s (G1) are the entry level guides and are approved to lead paying guests on all non-special access open terrain on Lone Peak.  

Guide 2’s (G2) are the next level of guide personnel and are approved to lead paying guests on all open terrain on Lone Peak including special access terrain. These guides are not approved to lead paying guests in hike to terrain.  

Guide 3’s (G3) are able to lead paying guests in all open terrain including special access and hike throughout the resort.  

To Enter The Guide Program

To enter the Guide Program an instructor must at a minimum hold a PSIA/AASI or an international certification equivalent Level 2 certification, and have taken a “Rescue Fundamentals Course” or an “Avalanche Level 1” from a nationally or internationally recognized certifying body. The prospective Guide must provide proof of both requirements to their respective manager be accepted into the Guide Development Program.

Guide Development Program

Once an instructor meets the above requirements and has the approval of their respective manager they are accepted into the Guide Development Program. Instructors in the Guide Development Program must attend Guide Development trainings to be approved in the following areas:   

  • Terrain Knowledge of Tram (no special access/ triple black/hiking)  

  • Safest Routes/Protocols: Liberty, Marx, Lenin  

  • Safest Routes/Protocols: Gullies, Dictators  

  • Tram Protocols/Sign outs  

  • Patrol/Mountain Ops (tram ops)/Guest Service (ticket scanner) Relations protocols  

  • Beacon Check/basic skills (ability to turn on/off, search with, put on, find another beacon in beacon park with multiple types of beacons)  

  • Decision Making  

  • How to evaluate guest skills and match to terrain access (south side skier vs. north side)   

  • Gaining understanding/knowledge of condition trends across the mountain   

  • Managing weather and conditions  

  • Guest service training  

  • Balancing guest goals with guest/instructor safety.   

 To be able to move to Guide 1 status and be able to lead paying guests on Lone Peak the instructor will be assessed by Guide Training staff. Guide training staff will communicate with both the instructor and Guide Training Supervisor (Jill Chumbley) to be made aware of areas for development to advance and their readiness to start at the G1 level. Primary approval to move to G1 status will be made in conjunction by the Guide Training Supervisor and Guide Program Manager (Matt Ruuhela). Final approval will be through the said instructor’s direct manager.

Categories of Guides

Guide 1  

 A Guide 1 is approved to lead guided products off the Tram, excluding Special Access/Triple Blacks and Hike to Terrain (still no Otter Slide, Pockets). 

 To enable a G1 to move to a G2 status the following areas will be covered in training and the prospective instructor will be assessed in the following areas:  

 Areas of Development/ Required Knowledge to be attained to advance  

  • Terrain Knowledge of Special Access   

  • Safest Routes/Protocols: Big Couloir and North Summit Snowfield (all major routes)   

  • Safest Routes/Protocols: Other specialty sign out with options with patrol (TU, 6th  Gully)   

  • Tram Protocols/ Special Access Sign outs  

  • Patrol/Mountain Ops (tram ops)/Guest Service (ticket scanner) Relations protocols  

  • Beacon Check/basic skills (ability to turn on/off, search with, put on, find another beacon in beacon park with multiple types of beacons)  

  • Decision Making  

  • Skiing and MA skills development through level 9   

  • How to evaluate guests skills and Special Access terrain   

  • Gaining understanding/knowledge of condition trends in Special Access terrain  

  • Managing weather and conditions  

  • Guest service training  

  • Balancing guest goals with guest/instructor safety.   

G1’s attend trainings and are ready to advance to G2 at the discretion of select Guide Trainers. Select Guide training staff will communicate with both the instructor and Guide Training Supervisor (Jill Chumbley) to be made aware of areas for development to advance and their readiness to lead paying guests in G2 Terrain. Final approval to move to G2 status will be made in conjunction by the Guide Training Supervisor and Guide Program Manager (Matt Ruuhela).

Guide 2  

Able to lead guided products off the Tram including special access Big Couloir and North Summit snowfield major routes (No hike to Headwaters/A to Z/North Summit Terrain, still no Otter Slide, Pockets)  

             Areas of Development/ Required Knowledge to be attained to advance  

  • Terrain Knowledge of Headwaters/A-Z/Pinnacles Hike to Terrain   

  • Safest Routes/Protocols hike to Headwaters/A-Z/Pinnacles?   

  • Safe routes and route selection familiarity within Headwaters/A-Z/ Pinnacles?   

  • Beacon Check/basic skills maintenance  

  • Decision Making checks   

  • How to evaluate guests skills/hiking and skiing and gear set up for hike to terrain safety.  

  • Gaining understanding/knowledge of condition trends in Headwaters/A-Z/Pinnacles  

  • Balancing guest goals with guest/instructor safety.   

G2’s attend trainings and are ready to advance to G3 at the discretion of select Guide Trainers. Select Guide training staff will communicate with both the instructor and Guide Training Supervisor (Jill Chumbley) to be made aware of areas for development to advance and their readiness to lead paying guests in G3 Terrain. Final approval to move to G3 status will be made in conjunction by the Guide Training Supervisor and Guide Program Manager (Matt Ruuhela). 


Guide 3  

Able to lead guided products in Headwaters and A-Z Chutes Hike to Terrain and all Special Access and Tram products (No Otter Slide, No Pockets, please check with manager first for any non-typical patrol check out terrain)  

             Areas of Development/Required Knowledge maintenance   

  • Safest Routes/Protocols hike to Headwaters/A-Z/ Pinnacles  

  • Safe routes and route selection familiarity within Headwaters/A-Z/ Pinnacles  

  • Beacon Check/basic skills maintenance  

  • Decision Making checks   

  • Stay up to date on current conditions and protocols for all Guided terrain  

  • Maintain understanding/knowledge of condition trends.   

  • Balancing guest goals with guest/instructor safety.   

 G3 attend trainings to maintain skills, develop in-depth knowledge of all of the above skills, and share knowledge/ mentor for Developing Guides all the way up to G2 Guides.  

 Select G3 Guides who are willing to do so are an active part of the Guide and Developing Guide program: leading trainings, sharing knowledge, and acting as lead guides for co-working opportunities (tail guides, YPO, Rippers, etc) when they arise.