Training and Terrain Based Learning

From Zoe Mavis

Hello Instructors!

Thank you everyone for all of your hard work over the holiday period. Now that we are able to catch our breath, we have some fun training opportunities coming up. We are very excited to announce that our TBL features will be built this week! The terrain based learning features will be a great new tool for our beginner lessons to use.
If you have not completed your E-Learning for TBL please be sure to complete that ASAP. You can find the E-Learning course here: Courses - SNOW Operating.
If you are having trouble logging on please email Zoe at so she can help you resolve the issue.

TBL Training
Some of the trainers from Snow Operating will be coming out next week to lead some training for us on the new features. We would like to get all staff members through the training they are providing for us if possible.
Please sign up for one of the half day sessions available on ProCard so we can get an idea of group numbers. You will spend 1.5 hours going through the TBL features and the remainder of the time skiing with a trainer.

Sessions Available:
Mountain Village Base:
1/9 9am-12pm
1/9 1pm-4pm
1/10 9am-12pm
1/10 1pm-4pm

Madison Base:
1/11 9am-12pm
1/11 1pm-4pm
1/12 9am-12pm
1/12 1pm-4pm

Training opportunities:
As we start to move into January there will be more and more training opportunities available to our staff. Please make sure to check ProCard regularly for upcoming clinics.
We have on snow clinics going out most days with varying topics.

Virtual Sessions:
Coming up next week there will be virtual sessions available on Monday nights for anyone interested. The topics will cover anything from Movement Analysis to Communication Techniques to Client Retention.

Tuning Clinics:
Starting on Jan 12 we will have tuning clinics available once a week at 4:30 so you can learn how to better take care of your equipment. Please sign up on ProCard

8am trainings:
Starting on Jan 8th we will have 8am trainings back on the schedule! Early morning trainings will happen most days of the week at the Mountain Village base and Saturdays at the Madison base so look for them on ProCard. You will need to sign up to attend so your pass can be set up for the early load. While these will be more of a loose topic, you are required to ski with a trainer.

Thank you for everything you all do!


Zoe Mavis / Dylan Ault / AJ Oliver
Training Program | Big Sky Resort

Trainer Shoutout
Chester Fox! Thank you for leading some fun and engaging trainings for all staff members and in multiple arenas!


January Montage Update


Weekly Shout Outs, and Ann Schorling Gender Equity Research Project