Weekly Shout Outs, and Ann Schorling Gender Equity Research Project

From Christine Baker

Hi All, 

First off – shout outs for the week – so much good team work out there. I’m consistently seeing instructors, supervisors, and managers working together across departments and divisions to keep things flowing as smoothly as possible. We really appreciate it. We’re also hearing great questions – please keep asking them, keep asking for advice, keep letting us know how we can help you and set you up for success.

I know we have instructors who wish they were out here teaching right now, and instead are home in quarantine. We miss you all and also appreciate that you are getting yourselves healthy and helping to keep the rest of us healthy. Please let us know if you need anything.


Specific Shout Out Winners of 8am Ram8 access:

1.       AJ Oliver: He has been so helpful all around and very willing to jump in wherever needed. Just heard him over the radio helping a ton with late ski camp kids, which doesn't necessarily fall under his responsibilities but is SO appreciated! AJ has also been a huge help in the rental department, calming and assuring guests, taking their frustration when necessary and helping improve everyone’s experience.

2.       Nick Dawson: I was psyched to nominate Nick for a shout-out! Nick is hands down one of our most enthusiastic instructors, and it shows in every interaction with his guests. For a second year instructor to have that many privates (all requests) is rare. He also has shown a lot of enthusiasm for training, already signing up for training for the season.

3.       Whitney Kulich: Whitney has stepped up her game as a supervisor and is a huge part of why our team is so strong! Leading training, on-hill help for staff, office duties, and all around a delight to be around. I’m so happy to have Whitney in her new role. 

4.       Tessa Andrezejczak: Thank you for jumping right in and taking on Supervisor duties.  We appreciate all your knowledge and willingness to help all staff.

5.       Nick Ault: Thank you to Nick Ault for being observant and taking initiative to do the right thing.  He saw a very tentative guest take a wrong turn towards a dead end into black runs only and hiked uphill to redirect the guest back to the safety of a green run.

6.       Joe Breen: Joe had a Small Fry Try with a guest who had a rough first experience. Joe created a fantastic environment for one of our littlest guests and got them so excited about skiing. The dad called in and was so grateful, appreciative and ecstatic about Joe cultivating a great experience skiing. Joe also is going for the Small Fry Try record with 25 SFTs completed or scheduled over a 17 day period.


That you all for your exceptional contributions. Your 8am run can be any day between 12/30 and 1/6. Please email Christy Mikulich (cmikulich@bigskyreort.com) and your manager:

1.       The date (between 12/30 and 1/6) that you’d like the early access loaded.

2.       The name of your plus one

*Please email at least 24hrs in advance.


If anyone wants to nominate someone for a shout out, please send me an email with their name and the great things they are doing, we’d love to hear the great things you are seeing!


Ann Schorling Gender Equity Research Project

Hello Big Sky Resort Mountain Sports School Staff,

I would like to invite you to be part of a research project that I am conducting. This project is part of the requirement for my Masters’ Degree in Leadership, at Royal Roads University. This project has been approved by PSIA-AASI and Big Sky Resort, and I have been given permission to contact potential participants for this purpose.

If reading is not your thing, here is a video introducing the project:

Video Link

The purpose of my research is to identify tools to increase gender equity at the highest levels of certification and leadership within PSIA-AASI. Whereas 40% of PSIA-AASI’s membership identifies as female or non-binary, only 20% of Alpine level threes identify as female, and only 13% of snowboard level threes. Collectively, less than 20% of all education staff are women, and the national team has never included more than 25% women. As such, my research will look at the pipeline for female or non-binary instructors beginning early in their careers and continuing on to include examiners and national team members. You are invited to participate because you are an instructor or staff member at Big Sky Resort Mountain Sports School.

I am excited to partner with Big Sky Resort and PSIA-AASI for this project. Big Sky Resort and the Northern Rocky Mountain division have a strong reputation for advancing women in the industry, with the highest percentage of female examiners in the country. It is my hope that by working with Big Sky Resort I can identify positive strategies that have worked and may apply to other resorts. In addition, because of its success the challenges in achieving gender equity in Big Sky Resort Mountain Sports School likely occur elsewhere in the country. By identifying strengths and challenges, we can support the industry in advancing.

This phase of my research project will consist of an online survey, which entails a series of questions and should not take more than 10 minutes to complete. The survey will be open from December 28th until January 10th, 2021.

The attached documentthe Information Lettercontains further information about the study conduct and will enable you to make a fully informed decision on whether or not you wish to participate. Please review this information before responding.

You are not required to participate in this research project. If you do choose to participate, you are free to withdraw at any time before or during the survey without prejudice. If you choose to withdraw after completing the survey, because the data is anonymous, it will not be possible to remove any data collected from your participation up until that point.

I realize that due to my role in the industry or our collegial relationship, you may feel compelled to participate in this research project. Please be aware that you are not required to participate and, should you choose to participate, your participation would be entirely voluntary. If you do choose to participate, you are free to withdraw at any time without prejudice. If you do not wish to participate, simply do not reply to this request. Your decision to not participate will also be maintained in confidenceYour choice will not affect our relationship or your employment status in any way. 

Please feel free to contact me at any time should you have additional questions regarding the project and its outcomes.

If you would like to participate in the survey, please follow this link:


If you would like to participate in other aspects of this research project, please email me at: a.schorling@gmail.com


Ann Schorling 

Research Information Letter


Christine Baker she/her

VP Mountain Sports | Big Sky Resort

(O) 406.995.5736 | (C) 406.570.0983

50 Big Sky Resort Road | PO Box 160001 | Big Sky, MT 59716


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