January Montage Update

From Kelsey Modlich

Hello Instructors!

Looking for somewhere to take private lesson clients for lunch? Montage has options open to the public. There is also an associates dining room open to instructors with lessons at Montage if you're on your own for lunch.

Montage Dining Options

DROP OFF LOCATION CHANGE: Montage guests being shuttled over to Mountain Village will be dropped off in the 15 minute lot.

A MESSAGE FROM COMPASS SPORTS: When you are meeting guests inside the building, the compass sports team asks that instructors stay out of the way (over by the BS desk) unless you are helping guests with boots or gear. Also, please put your skis on the racks rather than on the snow so guests can find their skis easier.

Stay tuned for an update on plans for teaching beginner lessons out of Montage/Spanish Peaks.

Keep being the rock stars that you are!

Thank you for everything you all do!
Kelsey Modlich / Zoe Mavis
Montage Supervisors | Big Sky Resort


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Training and Terrain Based Learning