COVID/Surveys/January Town Hall/Shout Outs and More

From Christine Baker

Hi Everyone,

Thank you for all the team work during the busy time, we had instructors helping each other, instructors running carpets, instructors fitting boots. You all were everywhere, in addition to teaching kids, adults, families, sometimes at similar levels, sometimes not so much. We appreciate the extra days, the long hours and the flexibility that was shown. It was a busy week and with your efforts it was a successful one too.

Thank you for adjusting to our new COVID policies. Here is some information on masks:
Here is an article on why cloth masks might not be enough. We have KN95 and N94 masks on order, please let us know if you would like one. A surgical mask with a cloth mask covering it is also a good option. Please consider using something more than a cloth mask with you are spending time indoors and not actively eating and drinking.

Here is an article on KN95 masks and that they are multi-use masks, that can be used until they no longer fit appropriately or they are soiled.

Please let us know if you have questions, concerns, or recommendations for us and our COVID policies.

If you haven't already, please take the time to fill out Ann Shorling's survey: If you would like to participate in the survey, please follow this link: This will close on 1/10 and we'd like to have as much participation as possible.

Thank you for taking the time to fill out our pulse surveys, this is one way for us to hear your feedback and be able to respond to it in a timely fashion. We welcome your feedback via email, in person, whatever way works best for you - finding an appropriate time, place, and presenting with respect is appreciated.

During our virtual Welcome Session, and from our pulse surveys, there have been a lot of questions about our Food and Beverage programs and plans. Adam Stevens, Big Sky Resort VP F&B will be joining us for our January Town Hall: January 19, 6-6:30pm Click here to join the meeting. He looks forward to answering your questions directly.

We had a lot of sustainability feedback on our Team Member Engagement Survey last winter. Amy Trad, Big Sky Resort Sustainability Specialist is hosting a sustainability presentation and Q&A for our Mountain Sports team next Wednesday, January 12 6:30-7:30. Click here to join the meeting
We hope you can make it.

Christine Baker She/Her
VP Mountain Sports | Big Sky Resort

SHOUT OUT OF THE WEEK - 8am Ram8 Access for you and a friend

1. Matt Elwood: Thank you for stopping, while off duty, and helping an injured guest - staying with them until patrol came.
2. Michelle Gallant: General Basecamp MVP covering all things during cold and COVID.
3. Claire Vlases - Staying positive in the face of some very unhappy SFT's and teaching everything from SFT's to Adults.
4. and 5. Ben Waddell and Michael Milsna: both have taken autistic students from group lessons and done a fantastic job, happy guests for sure!

That you all for your exceptional contributions. Your 8am run can be any day between 1/8 and 1/14. Please email Christy Mikulich ( and your manager:

  1. The date (between 1/8 and 1/14) that you’d like the early access loaded.

  2. The name of your plus one

*Please email at least 24hrs in advance.

If anyone wants to nominate someone for a shout out, please send me an email with their name and the great things they are doing, we’d love to hear the great things you are seeing!


January Mountain Sports Town Hall/2nd Sustainability Session/Shout Outs


January Montage Update