National Academy Scholarships

From A.J. Oliver

Letters of Intent are due Wednesday Feb. 2nd!

The Mountain Sports School is offering scholarships for Mountain Sports Staff to attend all available Academy options at a largely discounted rate. Scholarships will be offered to cover at least 50% of the cost. If we have the ability, we will to cover more. The estimated cost with 50% scholarship would be approximately $550 for Alpine, $300 for Snowboard and Telemark. Alpine includes 5 days on snow with the National Team, Indoor presentations, as well as lunches and a closing banquet. Snowboard and Tele includes 3 days on snow with the National Team, Indoor presentations, as well as lunches and closing banquet. 

 To apply for a scholarship please email a letter of intent answering the following questions in 250 words or less. In this letter please tell us 

Why would you like to attend Academy, and what would you like to gain from this experience? How will this experience benefit the yourself and Mountain Sports School?

Letters of intent are due by Wednesday Feb. 2nd please!  All Letters of intent for all base areas and disciplines should be emailed to
We will announce the recipients no later than Feb. 7th.

Thank you for your on-going commitment to education!


Mountain Sports Training Supervisors

AJ Oliver He/His
Training Supervisor | Big Sky Resort


8am Shout Out Recognition


National Academy Scholarships