8am Shout Out Recognition

From Christine Baker

Hi Everyone,

This email, just shout outs (and 8am Ram8 access for you and a friend):

  1. Zoe Colloredo Mansfield: Zoe has been knocking it out of the park all season, both teaching and organizing groups in the Kids' Bowl. She delivers the same energy and effort on every lesson. Whether it's locals, yellow dino's, turtles or rabbit, she gives every student an awesome experience. Zoe has also jumped into L1 and L2 certification training and is improving her already strong skills.

  1.  Francis Brown for being genuinely happy to teach any age/level snowboard lesson (he’s had some pretty ripping mini riders), shovel snow, move furniture and anything else that he sees that needs to be done.  He takes initiative, participates in any training offered and is a wonderful member of the snowboard team.   

  1. Matt Jackson (MV SB): Doctor Jackson has shown his ability to be at the highest level of learning by fully immersing himself in his new craft, call snowboard instruction. Matt continues to explore and enhance the learning of his students no matter what age or ability.  

  1.  Dashelle Purcell: Dashelle has been a consummate professional, managing her own “book” with little or no management needed on our part. She has been willing to jump in and help in all aspects of our school while delivering a top-quality product and guest experience. 

  1. Nadia Razavi has been instrumental in facilitating raises, adjusting RTP Profiles and updating our records for newly certified instructors. Her attention to detail has been huge to streamlining this process!  

Thank you all for your exceptional contributions. Your 8am run can be any day between 2/3 and 2/9. Please email Christy Mikulich (cmikulich@bigskyreort.com) and your manager:

  • The date (between 2/3 and 2/9) that you’d like the early access loaded.

  • The name of your plus one

  • Please email at least 24hrs in advance

If anyone wants to nominate someone for a shout out, please send me an email with their name and the great things they are doing, we’d love to hear the great things you are seeing!

Christine Baker (she/her)
VP Mountain Sports | Big Sky Resort


Shout Outs and February Town Hall


National Academy Scholarships