Eagle Mount/F&B/Terrain and More

From Christine Baker


Hi Team,

It has been so fun to see you all out on snow and start catching up with our returning team and getting to know our new instructors. Thank you all for being here and taking in, processing, and applying so much information. 

It is great to see more terrain opening up, I hope you all have had some time to get out there and explore. 

Mountain Ops Update
Here are a few items of note from yesterday and looking ahead:

  • Power line issues yesterday between bottom of the tram and top of Powder Seeker caused the bowl and tram terrain to not open.

  • North Side lifts and terrain did not open today, it will be day-to-day

    • Snowmaking had to shut down due to water supply.

Added Lifts for today:

  • Headwaters Lift is planned to open today.

  • Pony Express Lift is planned to open today.

Terrain: ~1366 acres, 65 trails, 23% of our total acreage open. Our goal is to open as much terrain as we safely can. We will assess and open/close terrain as conditions change.

Parks: Lower Swifty Park is opening today.

  • Selective grooming on trails with only natural snow.

  • Grooming all the manmade trails nightly.

Virtual Welcome Back Updates: From our first virtual welcome back session Eagle Mount and Food and Beverage were two topics that seemed like it was worth following up.

Eagle Mount
Eagle Mount is a close partner with Big Sky Mountain Sports, providing adaptive lessons on our mountain. As a resort, we are working to have our resort be accessible to all. Here are some of the steps we have taken:

  • Since at least 2019 we've been working with a variety of groups and individuals providing the new chairlift specifications and considering the challenges the newer chairs present. This is an industry, not Big Sky Resort, issue and we would like to help in positive progress.

  • 2021: Accessibility Audit with Eagle Mount.

  • 2021: Christine in conversation with Challenged Athletes Foundation (CAF). CAF is now working with the sit ski manufacturers to see about potential for altered sit ski designs. CAF provides grants to individuals and could assist individuals in acquiring new, or modified equipment.

  • BSR and Eagle Mount partnered to create new storage space in the Mountain Village plaza for ease of access. This is in addition to two additional spaces in the Madison Base over the past three years.

  • The resort team is working on adding more automatic door openers.

We have other initiatives started and will continue with the idea of universal design.

Food and Beverage
Our team was really interested in hearing more about our Food and Beverage team and long-term plans, VP of Food and Beverage, Adam Stevens, would love to join the conversation. He will join us on our next Mountain Sports Town Hall: January 19, 2022, 6-6:30pm Click here to join the meeting

We know there are a lot of unknowns out there with where COVID, we plan to track and respond accordingly. Our new portal, Safe Return, is up and running. Please check for an email from "Big Sky Resort Human Resources” <HR-BigSky@bigskyresort.com> and upload your vaccine status as soon as possible, and before 12/22. If you choose not to upload your vaccination status, then you will use this portal to upload your weekly test results. I just uploaded my card and it took less than 2 minutes.

We will have another booster clinic this upcoming Wednesday in the Talus Room 9am-12pm (I'm looking into a lunchtime extension). The nurses will have both Pfizer and Moderna, please bring your physical vaccine card. 

If you would like tests for asymptomatic testing purposes, please visit the Big Sky Chamber of Commerce (all symptomatic testing should go through the Big Sky Medical Center (406-995-6995), or Bozeman Health COVID hotline).

Please make sure that you are contacting guests 72-48 hours in advance of the lesson. This is the sweet spot, One week or 10 days is too far out. Please refer to the instructor website ProCard page if you have further questions or want to know more about why this is our policy!


A huge thank you to our training supervisors and our whole training team. It has been a busy two weeks of training, meeting new people, and setting the season off on the right foot - you all rock, we appreciate you!

We are starting our 8am appreciation shout outs this week, first up for recognition are:
Andrew Tromey; Thank you for all the help on the Mountain Village side, we appreciate you being willing to come on over here.
Mike Hudik: Thank you for filling out your tram reimbursement form on the day it happened, first person to fill it out.
Brittney Finch and Abby Williamson for signing up through procard for the season for all the trainings to work toward their certifications.

Thank you all! Your window to redeem your 8am session is now through 12/25. Please email Christy Mikulich cmikulich@bigskyresort.com and your manager what day you'd like to do it and you are welcome to have a plus one - please include their name as well. You will need to email Christy at least 24hrs in advance.

Christine Baker she/her
VP Mountain Sports | Big Sky Resort


Food and Beverage Discount


Tram Plan - Update