Terrain Park Guidelines

From Matt Larson

Hello Big Sky Team,

Attached are Terrain Park Guidelines based on instructor credentials and guest skill level. Use these to make appropriate decisions on which terrain parks you can take your guests. The intention is to promote safety and role model the decisions we would like our guests to be making when independent on the mountain. Please review and respond with questions to dylan.ault@bigskyresort.com . In the future you will be able to reference these guidelines on the Instructor site.

Terrain Park and Freestyle Guidelines

  • Only instructors with a freestyle specialist certification or that have attended the terrain park safety training should be taking lessons in the Explorer or Cowpoke terrain park.  

  • Instructors without a freestyle specialist certification will need to attend the terrain park safety training each season to keep their terrain park clearance.  

  • Instructors that have attended the terrain park safety training or have an FS1 should only take lessons in small terrain parks (Cowpoke and Explorer). 

  • Students should be level 5 or above to be in small terrain parks (Cowpoke and Explorer). This includes children, adult, and snowboard lessons. 

  • Snowboard students should be making turns on both edges consistently down Harbor’s Halfpipe, Mr. K, and Lois Lane before going into small terrain parks. 

  • Instructors with a FS2 can take level 8 and above students into medium terrain parks (Maverick and Cache) with approval from their supervisor. All students in the lesson should be interested and ready for medium park features. 

  • Only lvl. 9 freestyle specific lessons should be taken into large terrain parks (Swifty park). Instructor needs to have an FS2/3 certification and supervisor approval. 

  • Instructors should be skiing and riding within the freestyle ability level of their students. This means instructors shouldn’t be going into the terrain park to entertain their students with their own personal skiing and riding. 

  • Inverts should not be done in lessons, or anytime while in uniform. 

  • Instructors that are identified as not following proper park etiquette will have terrain park privileges revoked for the season. 


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