Big Sky Mountain Sports School - Summer Communications Overview

from Christine Baker

Hello Mountain Sport School, 

We are just about a month after season close and I hope you are all transitioning into your next season smoothly. It is such an interesting time and while we can see glimmers of normalcy, things are still very different than they were a year and a half ago. I keep challenging myself to look forward while remembering, honoring, and learning from everything we have been through. Your leadership team has taken more time than ever before at the end of a season to discuss what went well, what we’d like to see going forward, and especially consider what we need to do to support and sustain the growth that we know is coming our way. To grow in a way that is fun for all of us, we need your input as well. 

COVID is something that has made us challenge how and what we do. Growth is another thing that is a catalyst for change. We are a big team with diverse backgrounds, needs, and goals. We also have similarities, one being that we all share a passion for the mountain experience. Over the course of the summer and fall I will send emails regularly. We will also send a few surveys, and schedule times for meetings/town halls/etc. via Teams. We know you care about the decisions we make because they impact you directly, don’t feel obligated to read every word, or join engage in every format, however, please do let us know your thoughts and opinions on the topics. If the format we are using isn’t the best for you, feel free to use one that is – give me, or your manager a call, send an email, etc. Your input and involvement in our COVID planning was invaluable and it will be going forward as well. 

Some topics we may cover include: 

·        Wage 

·        Bonus structure 

·        Performance raises 

·        Work/life balance and scheduling 

·        Madison Base Area and future development  

·        Housing 

·        Retention 

·        Recruitment 

·        Priority system 

·        Product line up 

·        Product pricing 

·        Leadership structure 

·        Policies and procedures 

·        Training program 

·        Culture, beliefs, values 

·        Communication – how we listen and how we share 

·        Guide program 

The first topics we’d like your input on are wage and bonus structure. I will send another email soon to get us rolling. In the meantime, start the brainstorming – if you owned our business, how would you organize the pay structure? 

We want you to help us shape our future. We want to continue building a program that is sustainable for all of us. We want structures, policies, and procedures that support us. Thank you for your continued engagement. 


All my best, 



Christine Baker

Pronouns: she, her, hers
Director of Mountain Sports | Big Sky Resort

(P) 406.995.5736 |

My TEDx Talk


Bike Haul Pass/Swifty Construction/Wage Thoughts