Mountain Sports School Leadership Team

From Christine Baker

Hello Everyone,

It is hard to believe that we are just over six weeks from opening day, very exciting! I hope you all are enjoying fall and having fun preparing for the winter season. Your leadership team has been working hard to get things set up for a smooth start and a fun season. Here is your updated leadership team for the season:

You will notice a big missing name on that list, Emily Nedved. Emily has decided to go a different direction this year. In her words:

"This was a hard decision to make but at the end of the day I need to look out for myself and my happiness. Therefore, I have decided to step away from my role as the Training Manager at Big Sky Resort. I will truly miss all of you and know you will have a great season, and I'm sure I will see a lot of you out and about."

Emily has brought a lot to our team and I know she will be missed greatly. She is in the community and we will continue to see her around. We wish her the absolute best for her and her happiness. 

I know our training program is in great hands with the new supervisor team, please reach out with any questions.

There are some TBDs listed here as well, please reach out if you have interest in hearing more about any of these roles.

I look forward to seeing you all soon.

All my best,


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