ProCard Updates & Housing

From Christine Baker

ProBooking Updates

Thank you for your patience last week as we did some changes to the ProBooking product set up!  We wanted to update you on the changes and additions we have made. As of this morning there are now 3 lesson locations to book lessons from: Mountain Village, Madison Base, and Montage/Spanish Peaks.   

NEW! Is the Montage/Spanish Peaks location.  If you have guests who would like you to meet at Montage, Spanish Peaks Clubhouse, or their home in Spanish Peaks, please use the MSP Lesson products.  If you have already booked Mountain Village or Madison Base lessons that should now be changed to MSP lessons, please email Lucia directly to have the location changed.   

NEW! You can now book Full Day Alpine & Snowboard Tram Guides through ProCard! As mentioned in a previous email this summer, all Tram Guide products are capped at 2 partcipants.  In order to make sure that both guests receive the appropriate access on their RFID Card you MUST write the full first and last name of the 2nd Guide participant in the comment box!  The office will then make sure that access is loaded onto that profile.   

NEW! You can now book Alpine Small Fry Try’s through ProCard!  This was highly requested last year and we are excited to give you this added feature.  Please note, Small Fry Try’s will only be offered at 12:15pm this year.   

ProCard Training 

Earlier this summer many of you expressed interest in ProCard Training.  If you are interested in attending a training, please fill out the survey here on what dates/times work best for you. I anticipate setting up more training sessions as we get closer to the season to go over newer features & enhancements.   


We know housing in Big Sky & Bozeman has been challenge and that has worsened the last 2 years.  We are searching for ways in which we can help close the gap.  Currently we have a few leads on housing opportunities, but before we commit to them we want to make sure that they would be helpful and within reach for instructors.  If you can please fill out this survey about your housing situation, that will help us tremendously.   

Options we are looking at right now: 

2Bed/2bath cabin on Jack Creek Road $3200 Ideal for 2 couples  

1bed/1bath cabin on Jack Creek Road $1800 (1 king bed & 1 queen sofa bed)  

2 units: 1bed/1bath unit in Gallatin Gateway right on 191 $2000 

All units are fully furnished.  

Enjoy the lovely fall weather and have a great weekend!


Summer MA Reminder!


Summer MA Reminder!