Group Support Sessions

From Tim Dietz

Hello team,
Recently, our family experienced a devastating loss.  Chandler was a friend, a teammate, and an inspiration. In addition, many of us carry grief from past losses. Unfortunately, tragedy can bring up difficult memories. I also know, personally, that my confidence and stoke to be on the mountain is a little rattled. Our entire community is facing these same challenges...
 Fortunately, we do not have to take on these challenges alone…
We have arranged three group support sessions with Ally Wold from Big Sky Counseling in the upcoming weeks. You are welcome and encouraged to join in one, some, or all of the sessions. 
Please note that these sessions are NOT ONLY for friends and family of Chandler - they are open to anyone and everyone that wants a safe place to talk and support each other. Come to share, come to listen, or just come to be there for your friends. If you're carrying some grief, or know someone who's going through a tough time, these sessions are for you. 
The sessions will start at 4:30. Ally will be available until 6:30 each day. You're welcome to stay for the whole time, or just stop by for a few minutes. (In other words, these don’t have to be full two-hour sessions.)
Dates and locations:

  • Thursday, 3/31 - Talus Room (Summit Hotel)

    • After Chandler's Memorial Ride - 4:45ish?

    • Ally will be available as we celebrate Chandler’s life

  • Monday, 4/4 - Cheyenne Room (by the sunken lobby) (4:30-6:30)

  • Tuesday, 4/19 - Cheyenne Room (4:30-6:30)

As someone who is too familiar with tragedy, I know the value of a solid support system. I hope you all consider joining me in taking advantage of this fantastic resource. 
-- Tim Dietz


Shout Outs