Required Training

Mountain Sports Manual

You can read through the manual online with this site. Click on the button below to start or use the menu above. Complete the quiz afterward. Children’s instructors, please make sure to read the Children’s School Manual as well.

Safe Sport Abuse Prevention

We are committed to building a sport community where participants can work and learn together in an atmosphere free of emotional, physical, and sexual misconduct. Please click the button below to learn more. You will also attend a Safe Sport presentation during training. When you’re ready, complete the quiz here.

HEADS UP Concussion Awareness

This is designed to improve prevention, recognition, and response to concussions and other serious brain injuries. If this is your first season, complete the course and email a copy of your certificate to your supervisor. All instructors, please complete this form.

Snow Operating-Terrain Based Learning

We are excited to partner with Snow Operating and look forward to some new Terrain Based Learning (TBL) features this season! In preparation for training, please complete this e-learning course. You will need to register on the website using the access code: tbl2021 . Once you have completed the course, please email your certificate to Zoe Mavis at


In an effort to improve the terrain park experience for our guests Boyne Resorts offers this terrain park etiquette and education program, better known as PEEPs. PEEPs gives you the opportunity to check out and read up on the latest information available regarding terrain park safety. We are proud to offer this one of a kind educational terrain park program. Choose your resort below to get educated! Please email your certificate to Zoe Mavis at

 Additional Resources

  • CDC resources on concussions including how we can help change the culture around concussions in sports.

  • US Ski and Snowboard resources including additional SafeSport training and information on LGBTQ inclusion.

  • USA Volleyball has many practical guides regarding child protection and abuse prevention in sports.